Where we'll be judging and/or teaching.
Let it WCS in Poitiers - 16.09 to 18.09
Corsica Dance Holidays - 18.09 to 23.09
Italian Open WCS in Milan - 13.10 to 16.10
Connexion Intensive vol.1 in Paris - 23.10
Moscow Westie Fest in Russia - 03 to 06.11
Connexion Intensive vol.2 in Paris - 20.11
Frenchican WCS Intensive in UK - 25.10 to 27.10
Connexion Intensive vol.3 in Paris - 04.12
Toulon Westie Camp - 16.12 to 18.12
Oh My West! - 14.01 & 15.01 (Joelle will be translating Jordan & Tatiana's Teacher Training)
WCS Workshops in Lyon - 28.01
WCS Workshops near Paris - 04.02
WCS Rhythm Intensive vol.1 in Paris - 12.02
Umea Westie Wkd in Sweden - 17.02 to 19.02
WCS Rhythm Intensive vol.2 in Paris - 26.03
Med in Swing in Marseille - 31.03 to 02.04
UK WCS Champs in London - 06.04 to 09.04
WCS Rhythm Intensive vol.3 in Paris - 30.04
UK Westie Bootcamp in Hemsby - 11.08 to 13.08
More to come soon... Stay tuned!